Pagi jumaat yg cantik tp aku kurang bersemangat sket. SIGH! Masalah xde, ntah cuma nk kena makan pizza, caesar salad atau farapacino bagi up sket semangat nih ..
pe2 pon join dulu my kekwa munger yg sweet together duck2 yg setia menghuni ruang tamu aku yg x seberapa mebeles nih.
Seore mama mesti laa nk terbaek for her son .. but sumtimes ati mama pon bule tergugat dgn stailo2 nakal anak2 kecik nih.
Khairan klu blajar kena ade teman so far .. he's can but blum lulus. setakat 1-10 bule laa, A - F ikut mood but 1 thing yg mama perasan, eventho khairan not yet on his stages ... once khairan saw any piccas on the spot, khairan knew wlupon pronounciation must be A first eg ..
ball ~ a'ball
work ~ a'work
fish ~ a'fish
car ~ a'car
car ~ a'car
elephant - elly
sheep - timmy
semut - a' mut
basah can be a'sha (elsya), malaysia
it's really makes my day so happy.
Mama so proud! Just a bit what khairan do or explorer it's so amazing, Y?
all of mama frens sent them dotter or boys to nursery or school but khairan just "nursery & school "at home & learning by himself during weekday. mama loike how khairan do it to yourself, bravo.
Since that, makes me want to spend holiday together with khairan after L'kawi, Redang island, Kuching, kk, HKG, Spore .. now mama wish at BEIJING, China.
Papa .. i need you as my POM POM gurl ... ... ..
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