Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Khairan & Pre-Skool

 Three (3) days orientation and almost 8 days, khairan went out for pre-school.
Lately, khairan tertido at class ... xox. Terasa, feels so early to sent out him to pre-school, eventho for year 2012 is 4 tp khairan is just turning to 3 yrs 1 month 2 days after 15/12/2011 ... for me it's was still young it's has just started attending a pre-school. am concerned he is not very mature for his age compared that pre-school is too regimented & structured an environment for khairan.
Why got the crayon kaler?
 Y? becoz me suka ambk gmbr2 khairan and blog atau pesbuk, ni kerana senang nak bezakan dari segi pengalaman biler dah ade anak kecik. Zaman dulu is totally different with NOW, 2012.
A BIGGER different  for me biler anak si A camni, anak si B gtulah C aduhhhh!
So,me would like to do re-search for anak sndri ...In this time, me cant says khairan is 100% best. for me sincere alhamdulillah with these ols kinds of piccas .. me knew how is khairan standing at pre-school.
 Khairan & Ben 10

 Wlupun TV is on or whatever,khairan still with his colouring book.
Conclusion ... WE make LEARNING FUN. Mmg tu yg me as mother doing to khairan, x kira apa jua pon, eventho benda tu mahal ker murah ker, branded ke tidak, bahaya ker, comfortable ker as long ia adalah 1 xtvtv yg appropriate & adaptable.
Me like it's somethin' built for fun .. crafts, lesson plan for khairan. Sbb tu .. khairan is behave for all the times .. as like COME & FUN.

Eventho teacher's khairan says khairan are sleeping at the class,to hold pencil NOT in the right way..for me khairan is the situation involving chance and it's just 8 days in the pre-school. What will be me get as a mother only 8 days in the pre-school?
me NOT angry eventho khairan like ANGRYBIRD
me NOT scold the teacher bcoz that is a homework for teacher to teaching
me not sensitip
me not feels hurt


the journey does not end here.
With his capability & character
me hoping khairan will be sucessful & to be a great man when he's grown up.Yes, that's my son
khairun naim bin khairuddin naim
Together me'll succeed in making well into the future.

At the end of his pre-skool year, khairan will be perform marvelously during the pre-skool concert.
Peace, :)

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